So ding dong merrily not high, and I’m still gay-ly ringing. The holidays have truly descended upon and through us here. To say Florida turns is an understatement. We say in some families that life is like a soap opera, (like as the world turns for instance). So as I stated above we are going at 360rpm’s a min. down here. The rentals are ill with a flu, but the outlook is good. The sister is repainting her house, the outlook is good. Bob and I are scheduled to fly out jan 7th, the outlook is long! I do have to say, I am thankful for coming down here and spending time with the family. Family always puts things into perspective, and it’s good to have love and warmth; especially when the warmth comes from the 80 degree weather.

Robert and I decided to get engaged, rings and all. Modest rings with a tension set diamond. They are tokens or statements of our choice to be with each other. My opera is fast approaching, and hesitantly I still await contract and footage to help inform my choices. In other news, I was contacted by a company in Boston, who is looking to hire me on for Godspell (can we say THRILLED!!!).

So what advice do I have for you when things get hairy, I guess I would say have a good exit strategy.

Robert and I have a vacation from our vacation. We will be flying out of Orlando early, and darting across the country to San Francisco. Then we will spend two weeks driving to LA, and then Fly to NYC to do interviews. (thanks to his parents as a graduation gift)

In a word we are


Love light and licorice.


Posted by Michael Clark Wonson, filed under Life. Date: December 30, 2008, 5:04 pm | 24 Comments »

Well, well, well.

I have arrived home safely from my duo Nutcracker’s. One was a design, and the other was over hire. Now I am listening to Mama Mia, and packing a suitcase ready to go to Orlando.

I am looking forward to 3 weeks of secluded family vacationing, and pre prep on the Opera. Now all I have to do is find spring and summer work!

Keep your ears to the ground, I will have a holiday post soon…

Posted by Michael Clark Wonson, filed under Life. Date: December 16, 2008, 3:39 am | Comments Off on FLA-DUH, sing a new song chic ate’ tah