I am sitting in the living room, with the sounds of peepers peeping at me as I recline in a towel at my new apartment In Northampton Ma. The cool fall air is whispering through the window as I reflect on where my life and company have gone over the past year. I have set up bases in NYC, Boston, and Western Ma, and have begun to expand my regional grasp. Since last we spoke I decided to end my residency at the company theatre in Norwell MA. I had become artistically stagnant and realized I needed to challenge myself to expand my career. I am grateful to the time I spent there, the relationships I formed, and the lessons I learned. I have done a few shows in NYC and I am looking forward to more in early fall.

I am particularly excited about being considered to tour with a company on a two month North American tour. If this materializes I will tell you more about it. Suffice to say, I am calling in a few favors to try and tip the scales in my favor. I am very excited about the truck and bus aspect, the pay is good, and id be able to use units that are not normally available to me.

Its thrilling to be invited back to Manhattan to work on a festival which I first applied for a few years ago. It seems to me that many of my good friends, myself included are starting to click and find our stride. New works are being written, shows are being produced, and great art is being experienced, for this I am so grateful.

This month I will be opening Cabaret at Sea Coast Repertory Theatre, Ill be lighting a few weddings, and hopefully a fashion show. I hooked up with an amazing scenic designer, and opera director. I am hoping that as the years go on this relationship will strengthen and we will continue to produce stunning breath taking works. I think what I find most exciting and thrilling about the space I am in right now is that I am starting to see so many diamonds in the rough. Diamonds which I want to gently unearth and polish until they are the envy of the artistic world.

That’s all for the moment, it will take me some time to get back into the swing of writing to you, but I hope you stand by me as I come back to the blogosphere.

Posted by Michael Clark Wonson, filed under Life. Date: September 2, 2011, 5:18 am | Comments Off on Vivacious Victorian Viceroy