First of all, happy national coming out day to all of my GLBTQ friends out in the inter-verse, I do truly believe equality will find itself to America, and a day is dawning where we all can be free to have the same protections and allocations under the law. As a resident of the fine state of Massachusetts I already have seen this change happen. Every day we blaze a trail weather how we interact with a neighbor or a person on a bus, too taking cases of discrimination to the Supreme Court. Our actions are felt around the country. I have always been active in the GLBTQ community and I find its innovation, grace, and stamina to be un-daunting and inspiring. So I wanted to take this moment to not only recommit myself to all of my friends, and those whom I have yet to meet, but also to myself. I commit to seeing a world where hate has no place, and where segregation even from aspects of the law is abolished.

So tonight the frigid fingers of winter will drop a pristine white fluffy blanket of snow on top of Mt Washington in New Hampshire, and in Massachusetts the thermometer will dip down to a balmy 36 degrees, and I will pull my comforter up and over my head in order to soldier on. All the trees have begun to join the earlier prom goers of a few weeks ago, when I open my back door I am inundated with orange’s and yellow’s and green’s and red’s.

I have opened arsenic and old lace at the company, and I am feeling more accomplished than my last update left you hanging. I am evaluating and beginning to formulate a plan to stay residential in the Boston area for the next three to five years. Seeing where my connections and life can take me within this great city, as I have always known I am within stabbing distance of Chicago and NYC so really I have nothing to complain about. While working at the Company I ran into an actor who is going to try to help me out with taking a swing at the next level of my global plans. So in all honesty I need to remind myself that life is fluid, and things which are great can obviously turn bad, and things that seam hopeless can resurrect into the light.

Also cohabitation is still going well for those of you whom are interested. I have no complaints as a hybrid state of styles and concepts are beginning to manifest and swirl themselves around in the room. I feel that I am really able to sit in my stillness now and appreciate it which is a new found comfort. I have Halloween to look forward to. It will mark the date of my two best friends union. Honestly I have to say, how freaking fun is this going to be!!! I will be traversing 93, and route 3, with the cohabiter to pick up some costumes from a graciously giving costume house.

In true theatrical style, almost like miss Lady Gaga, we will be going in formal attire, with garment bags in the back seat, and then costume changing into the festivities outfits. Allowing the final moment to be quite surprising… I am yet to know the final theme but once I do be sure I will inform you all….

In closing I noticed in the past couple of days bee’s hovering around the fall flowers, and I thought to myself whilst I was feeling down. If these bee’s can comeback from the massive hive decolonization that plagued us last year, perhaps my life is not really in that bad of shape. So as I watched the little worker hover around I smiled and realized that I am going to be ok.

Posted by Michael Clark Wonson, filed under Uncategorized. Date: October 11, 2009, 8:44 pm | Comments Off on It starts with a boy and a boy and a huh and a game; or strike with dykes at the BCA…